What staff work at the school?

Director/Principal: The roll of the principal is to enforce and ensure the guidelines set by the ministry of education and Little Miracles are being met and adhered to. The principal also maintains the staff on all the up to date law and organizes recruitment of staff.

The principal performs regular evaluations on the educational and administrative procedures and secure they are maintained within the guidelines of the law and principals of our school. The director is also responsible for maintaining an accurate account of all.

Secretary: The secretary is responsible for helping establish the open communication between parents and administration and will also provide documents requested from the parents and students. The person will also ensure important memos notes and literature and other type of correspondence between parents, teachers, and staff gets to the intended recipient as well as running all front office duties. The organizing and classifying of different documents and correspondence from all agencies will also form part of the duties performed by the secretary.

Many of the admissions and registration documents will also be handled by the secretary in conjunction with the Principal. The person will organize and arrange the agenda for the principal and is also responsible for arranging testing.

Administrative Assistant: The administrative assistant will be active in correspondence and communication between the staff, teachers, the administration, and all external agencies government or otherwise. The person will also ensure that all the proper documents between the different agencies are submitted and received. The AA will also provide support for staff and teachers in obtaining information and encouraging healthy communication between administration, staff, teacher and parents. Evaluations of the overall performance of staff and teachers as well as keeping accurate records of accounts payable and ordering school supplies, materials and uniforms are part of the administrative responsibilities.

Teachers: Teachers are responsible maintaining discipline in their classrooms, keeping accurate records such as homework, attendance, test scores, tardiness, and monthly progress reports. The teachers are also to adhere to the policies and values of the school and the Ministry of education. They are there to serve as role models and educators to the children and required to remain in the school for a half hour after school has been dismissed in order to offer aid to any student that feels behind in their curriculum in any way.

The teachers will assist in enforcing the dress code and will they themselves adhere to the dress code established by the school. The must also set the example and uphold and encourage our values, ethics and are expected to create safe and easy going atmosphere creating motivated and confident students.

General staff: The general staff will consist of a doorkeeper, who will ensure the children do not leave school grounds unaccompanied and with a parent or chosen guardian. This person will also act as security during school hours and will screen visitors and will offer support of the monitoring and supervision of the students when in the common ground areas and the playground. The gardener will be responsible for keeping the gardens and school grounds clean of debris and garbage.

The cleaning staff will oversee the cleaning of all classrooms and office.

There will be no smoking or consumption of alcoholic beverages on school grounds by any faculty or staff members.

What is your policy around tardiness?

School will start at 7:50 A.M to 3:00 P.M. We ask parents try to get their children on time as the school will close at 8:00 A.M and students arriving after then will be considered tardy. Excessive tardiness will and can affect the students overall grade average. A student with more than 3 unjustified tardiness will count as one day of absence.

Attendance is of the upmost importance and will strictly be enforced in accordance with the laws of the Ministry of Education please be aware that students with a 20% unjustified absence record will be required to repeat the current grade (Law I’96-Art. 51).

In case of absence, parents/guardian should notify the administration before 9:00 AM, unless the absence has been previously notified.

Do you allow visitors?

We welcome visitors to Little Miracles. All visitors are required to sign a visitation register at the administration.

What happens if I want to withdrawal my child from the school?

If you must change schools during the school year, please advise the administration as soon as possible. All fees and outstanding debts must be satisfied prior to receiving school records and grades.

What happens if I need to pick my child up early?

In case you must pick up your child during school hours, you must come to the office and sign your child out of class.

Children will not be permitted to leave class or school grounds waiting to be picked up nor will the child be released to anyone that is not specified on the student registration form. If someone different from the persons stated on the registration form is to pick up you the child, the school must be notified prior them being released.

What is your policy around homework?

We at Little Miracles believe in the parent and student relationship. There will be homework assignments issued throughout the child’s learning process. They are developed to enhance specific skills and to promote the parent’s involvement in their child’s learning process, therefore increasing the prospect of successfully achieving a high standard of academic learning.

The students are required to have a planner and it is to be filled out daily with homework assignments and/or projects do. This agenda will also serve as a tool for direct communication between teacher and parent.

A study hall program is offered to the student in after school hours at an extra monthly charge to the parent/guardian, where the student will receive help in completing their homework assignments.

We also encourage the parents to take part in our parent/teacher conferences and should the parents or guardians not able to attend, we ask that you contact your child’s teacher and schedule a meeting.

What is the school dress code?

Little Miracles encourages our students and staff to take pride in their appearance. We promote the use of clothing that reflects a positive self-image, which is an important aspect of self-confidence.

Students are expected to wear the uniforms approved by Little Miracles and meet the criteria set forth by the Ministry of education.

The uniform is a clean white collared shirt with jeans or navy-blue pants. Shorts are acceptable, length should be mid-thigh or below the knees.

Sport uniform is a white t shirt with red sports pants.

No clothing with obscenities is permitted, this includes, suggestive messages of alcohol, drugs o negative attitudes towards authority.

No hats or sunglasses are permitted in the classroom unless authorized by a doctor or administration.

Anyone (students, staff, or visitors), wearing tank tops, see through clothing, short skirts or shorts will not be granted access on to school grounds.

Any clothing with holes or rips are not permitted, and all under garments must be covered.

Girls are NOT permitted to wear skirts to school.

No sandals, flip flops or open toed shoes are allowed.

Does the school have a code of conduct?

The code of conduct will serve as a general guide of acceptable and unacceptable behavior in our center.

Students are not permitted to use violence, force, or any type of verbal or physical threat.

Students are not to damage school property or private property during school hours or during activities.

Weapons and dangerous items are not permitted on school grounds.

Bullying is NOT tolerated under any circumstance. We take this issue seriously and this type of behavior will be dealt with accordingly.

Verbal, physical, or emotional abuse from students to each other or staff is expressly prohibited.

Remarks or harassment regarding racial, ethnic, religious or of a sexual nature are regarded as offensive and will be dealt with immediately.

Narcotics, alcohol, and drug paraphernalia is not permitted on school grounds not during school activities.

Although we live in a technological era, cell phones, electronic games, iPad and cd players will not be allowed in the classroom unless required for a particular lesson.

Loss or theft of any personal property will be the sole responsibility of the student. Little Miracles will not accept responsibility for any loss of personal property.

Items found on school grounds are to be tuned into the administration.

What do you in place for mergencies?

In case of an emergency, parents will be notified immediately, if we are unable to reach a parent or guardian, then the person on the emergency contact you have provided on the registration form will be contacted.

What is the school policy around illness or injuries?

Please keep your child home if they have a fever and/or vomiting along with other symptoms.

Parents will be notified of any injuries that have taken place on school grounds.

What are the school's opening hours?

The school office will be open from 7:30am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday

Phone: (809) 738-9504

Cel: (809) 297-5335